B'THELIGHT by Brittany Swails

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Keep grinding

Lord, I don't wanna trade Your plan, for something familiar. 

Instead of running to an addiction when you feel the need to cover up, run to Jesus. Know that whatever vulnerability you are feeling, Jesus won’t push you away. He accepts you in his love and infuses you with his life. He exchanges your weakness for his strength. When you are vulnerable, Jesus is ABLE.

I love being around vulnerable people. I love how broken people allow the light to get in. I know that through my brokenness God is able to shine the brightest.  

Here’s the truth. We all have struggles. We all face a Goliath in our lives at some point. The problem is, we don’t trust God enough to bring us through it, so we run back to what broke up to begin with. 

(Not throwing stones friends, speaking from experience.)  

Right before you’re biggest break through you will be so blinded by fear and darkness. The goal is to keep grinding. Keep trusting Him. Give Him the pen to write your story. Lay your worries down at the cross and surrender just knowing that He is a faithful Lord who keeps His promises.  

Remind yourself that when God delivers you from evil, don’t keep in touch. Meaning, don’t run back to what broke you and expect a different outcome. 

I ran back too many times. I wasn’t completely living on faith alone. I wanted to do it my way. So maybe you are exactly like I use to be. If so, start praying for God to give you the knowledge and understanding to live according to His plan and His purpose for your life.  

Friends, you are loved. Shine your light bright.  

