B'THELIGHT by Brittany Swails

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Fear comes in all shapes and sizes

The opposite of fear isn’t courage, it’s faith.

This week I was asked to go and speak to an elementary schools FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). I had a week to prepare and pray about it. I struggled to choose a topic that would really connect with them as well as keep their attention. Eventually, I am so thankful God led me to focus on the story of David and Goliath. A story I hadn’t really focused on since I was their age. How easy could this be, right? Little did I know God played this out so well to help speak directly to me. 

Fear has controlled me for most of my life. I love a good comfort zone.  But, here’s the thing. Christ doesn’t equal comfort. In fact, there are many people in this world who have walked away from Jesus because he made them feel uncomfortable.  

Lately God has taken me out of my comfort zone in more ways than one. What does it this mean? It means being willing to go in a direction that doesn’t feel familiar at first. It means understanding that what matters most is moving into God’s strength instead of your own. 

I learned this week that your ‘giant’ can come in all different shapes and sizes. Fear, bitterness, anger, jealousy, illness, loss, and despair. The list goes on. When I saw these things I realized that we, as adults, could all go back to this story and see that NOTHING we are battling is bigger than Jesus.  

Remind yourself that with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Remember that Jesus has promised to be with you always (Hebrews 13:5). 

The speaking engagement went really well. God was with me. At the end, I had the children repeat after me three different times, "I have confidence that Jesus is bigger than this giant and Hes already defeated it!"

Friends, you are so loved.  

Let’s keep shining His light! 

